First Showing Show


Hi all, i was really hoping someone could give me the best advise when it comes to In-Hand Showing. I have entered me first showing show this week coming and i need all the help and advise i can get... What tack to be used for in-hand classes, what should i wear, what will be expected of me once i enter the ring, etc... all advise will be greatly appreciated.. happy horsing everyone...


The first thing I would suggest is that you go onto the SANEF website and read through the showing rules and regulations. They also have a very nice description of what happens in each class and what to expect. (
The judges are usually very nice too and will explain everything to you as the class progresses.
In terms of tack, you will need to show him in his bridle, as per the showing rules. All the rules of turnout also apply, so plaits, polish and a neatly trimmed horse are a must.
You can also read up my article on showing on my blog, where you will also find a nice picture of an in-hand class. (The art of showing - posted May 2007) One thing I did not explain there was trimming the tail - you lift it up and trim to about the length of a hand or two below the hocks with a clipper, depends on the horse - scissors are a bit choppy. And also use the clippers to remove excess hair from the legs and feet.
If you still have questions after that, please do go ahead and feel free to ask! The most important thing I can tell you is to enjoy yourself, use this first show as a learning experience and check out as much as possible. Observer the winners of the classes and see what it is that they did that looked good.
Let me know if you need any more advice!

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